Marvel Heroes: Game Update 2.0 – Asgard – Now Live

It’s been a bit of a tumultuous history for Marvel Heroes, beginning with an “oops” of a launch, a massive overhaul of tanking in the game along with major changes to every single hero over the past five months. Now, Update 2.0 brings with it a brand new hero, Loki, along with new event leaderboards, UI and sound changes, item changes, quite a few new and modified powers, and a brand new chapter of content.

Welcome to Update 2.0, Asgard!

Asgard – Game Update 2.0 is now live in Marvel Heroes! Our biggest content update ever features a new playable character… the God of Mischief himself, Loki! Unlock the Bifrost Bridge to Asgard, adventure through expansive new zones, play through new story missions, explore our new player hub, and much more! Below are some highlights but be sure to check out the full patch notes for Asgard – Game Update 2.0 here!

Looking to track your progress in the Asgard Unlock Event? Head over to our Asgard Event Leaderboards!


buy now

Loki has been added to Marvel Heroes! Loki is the Norse god of mischief and evil and the adopted son of Odin All-Father, the ruler of Asgard. He is crafty, clever, and resourceful, using sorcery to achieve his intricate goals.

Loki resents the glory and acclaim given to his adoptive brother, Thor, and he strives to place himself on the throne of Asgard. However, on the rare occasions when his goals overlap with Thor or other heroes, Loki has been to ally himself with those he would otherwise detest.

Two Brand New Costumes:

Sticking with the Asgardian theme, check out Storm decked out in her Asgardian Armor as well as the first Enhanced Costume for Thor – Beta Ray Bill!

More Story Content

The epic story of Marvel Heroes continues in Asgard with brand new story missions featuring fully-voiced motion comics!

New Items

New item types like rings and Legendary items each have their own new item slots. Players will want to hang on to legendary items, as they grow stronger and gain experience along with the player!

New Hero Starting Lineup

Marvel Heroes now has a brand new roster of starting heroes for new players to choose from. Expanding from the previous five choices, players can now pick a free Marvel superhero from a list of nine exciting and unique playable heroes.

Marvel Heroes: Very Rare Costumes – This Weekend Only

Those are some pretty great costumes. This weekend is the time to grind if you don’t want to pay cash for them in the item shop: Eternity Splinter drop rate has increased for the event.


Rare Chase Costumes Available Now!

We know you’ve been asking for another way to obtain the rarest costumes in Marvel Heroes, and here’s your chance! From today until Monday August 19th at 11:59pm PDT, all Rare Chase costumes will be available to purchase in Marvel Heroes!

We’ve made every Rare Chase costume available, including Wolverine’s Old Man Logan costume, Jean Grey’s White Phoenix of the Crown costume, and even Cyclops’ Phoenix Force costume from Marvel’s Avengers vs. X-Men event. For a complete list, see below:


Rare Chase Costumes:

  • Black Panther: Man Without Fear
  • Iron Man: Gold Avenger Armor
  • Black Widow: Classic White
  • Ms. Marvel: Dexter Soy
  • Cable: Black Ops
  • Punisher: War Journal
  • Captain America: Earth X
  • Rocket Raccoon: Cosmic Gear
  • Colossus: Juggernaut
  • Scarlet Witch: Dark Wanda
  • Cyclops: Phoenix Force
  • Spider-Man: Amazing Bag Man
  • Daredevil: Original
  • Storm: African Goddess
  • Deadpool: Detective
  • Thing: Incognito
  • Hawkeye: Ronin
  • Thor: Golden Armor
  • Hulk: 2099
  • Wolverine: Old Man Logan
  • Jean Grey: White Phoenix of the Crown

Two Ways to Get Them

Each of these costumes will be on sale for 1325 Gs and can be located under the “Costumes” Tab or “Specials” Tab in the in-game store (found by pressing “X”)!

In addition to the in-game store, you’ll also be able to use Eternity Splinters to purchase these costumes from Adam Warlock! These costumes will cost 600 Eternity Splinters each. If you’re worried that you won’t have enough Splinters, we’ve got you covered there as well. During this promotion, we are increasing the drop rate of Splinters to help everyone earn more, so get out there and start collecting!

Limited Time Only

Remember, these will be available for 10 days only, if you’ve had your eye set on one of these amazing costumes, don’t wait! August 19th will be here before you know it!

Marvel Heroes: Doomsaw’s Latest Dev Blog

A few days late on this one, but there is a LOT of reworking going on in the Marvel Heroes universe, along with plenty of upcoming new heroes (Human Torch, Emma Frost, Luke Cage, Squirrel Girl, Nova, etc.) and unique items that should be pretty awesome. I’m glad to see such a fun game getting a ton of attention post-launch.


Doomsaw Dev Blog: July 19th 2013

Hello all,

Friday dev blog time. I’m going to write efficiently since we have a lot to do this weekend to make the game great for you.

Defense System


We’ve done a lot of work on the new defense system this week. We are calling it the survivability system since defense is a part of it, but not all of it.

Some changes we’ve have made internally or are in process of making:

  1. We are going to a percentage based defense system with diminishing returns. This is very similar to what most games have. We’ve done a ton of research (and used our personal experiences) to make sure this is being done perfectly, so it’s fun and fair.
  2. There will be no heroes that can only be “tanks” in the game.There will be melee heroes who all need to be able to survive in the game. Some heroes will have “tank” powers that they can level up (taunts, damage reduction, etc), but nobody should be forced to tank unless they want to. EVERY melee hero should be able to dish out tons of damage while surviving in melee and most melee heroes (Hulk, Thing, Colossus, Thor, Spider-Man, etc.) should be able to use certain abilities that temporarily reduce damage for extreme survivability if they wish to do so – completely at their option. If you want to do some tanky stuff you can, but you aren’t forced to do it.
  3. Extreme damage scaling is being phased out of the game. You won’t see enemies doing 500% bonus damage unless it’s specifically designed as part of the fight. For example, the completely-redesigned Limbo (A.K.A. Midtown Patrol) does not use this tool to create challenge, instead it uses Supervillian groups to create challenge, which is much more interactive and balanced (and insanely fun), while still being difficult.
  4. Ignores Defenses is now out of the game completely. It won’t return unless a boss has a specific power that uses it with appropriate warning. We are looking at “Deals more damage” to ensure it’s challenging but reasonable. We will be adding more enemy powers that are more interactive that don’t punish melee to such an extreme degree.
  5. We are adding and adjusting powers to be more and more engaging and more of a test of skill. It’s not cool to one-shot a player with a regular attack, but it’s completely fair to one-shot a player if they don’t move out of the fire after a few seconds warning.
  6. We are looking at adding mitigation powers with long cooldowns for some heroes, particularly melee. These powers will allow us to make some very cool boss abilities and give players and emergency button under certain circumstances.

There are a few other under-the-hood adjustments we’re making, so at the end of the day you will have heroes that play exactly how you want to play them. You still need to be smart, but you don’t need to fear a guy with a machine gun in a warehouse if you’re the thing and you don’t need to fear hitting someone in the face with your hammer if you are a Norse god.

Short-Term Hero Upgrades

Within 2 weeks, we’ll be pushing live a series of upgrades to EVERY hero. The feedback threads have been extremely helpful in helping us identify parts of each hero that are considered weak or unfun by players. We’ve also advanced our thinking on what makes a fun hero and are upgrading every hero to meet that enhanced criteria.

Some heroes may have minor tweaks and some will have many powers adjusted. A big focus will be making sure every hero has multiple builds and that melee can melee.

Long-Term Hero Upgrades

A smaller group of heroes will be receiving large upgrades to their power sets. Guys like Hulk, Thor, Colossus (and quite a few other melee) will get a lot more options to increase build options, fun and melee survivability. Example: Thor should have a brutal melee build, a “caster” build and a highly effective and interesting hybrid build that combines both elements.

Ranged heroes will also receive quality of life improvements and may also receive new powers or adjusted power to give them new build options. Deadpool needs the option to have a powerful melee build, Punchclops needs more build options, Hawkeye needs more build options and so on. We’ll talk more about this in the coming weeks.

New Heroes

The New Heroes Team has been working day and night on Human Torch. He’s gone through several iterations of improvements and is in good shape. He has 25 powers, some of which still need visual effects and animation tweaking, but all are working well and synergize nicely. He feels crisp, powerful and fun, like as heroes should be.

Emma Frost still needs rounds of iteration before she’s ready, then our focus will shift to Squirrel Girl, Luke Cage and finally Nova. Nova will be interesting, since decisions will need to be made based on the current Marvel storyline. We’ll talk more about that in a future blog.

Movement Buffs in Hubs

In the next patch, players will be able to use movement powers in hubs. It was turned off temporarily due to some teleport issues, but those issues are fixed and we’re ready to go live. We are all extremely happy about this, since superheroes shouldn’t have to walk when they have flight, leap, teleport, etc.

X-Men Mansion

I’ve heard through the grape vine that some very evil people are planning to attack the X-Men Mansion. I hope you will help defend it when it happens.

Buffs and Debuff Display

This is something we’re considering as an option for players. It could be turned off by default for new players, so they don’t get information overload, but toggled on for advanced players if it’s something they are interested in. This is something that we may start to see in September after we finish work on some of the bigger systems.

Unique Items

As you can imagine, we are in development of unique items. These will be “brown” (like medals) and have the level of rarity you will expect from uniques. We’ll start previewing these in the coming weeks.

Super-Team Items

We are introducing a new item slot, right below costume, for Superteam items. These items will be able to be used by heroes who have been members of a superteam in Marvel lore. So, an X-Men item could be used by anyone who was ever a member of the X-Men, a Marvel Knights item could be used by the appropriate heroes, etc. We will even have a Guardians of the Galaxy item just for Rocket Raccoon (for now). We’ll also be shipping a few SHIELD items that can be used by any of the heroes to give even more variety to choices.

The powers on these items will include some individual buffs and always at least one group buff (if not more). These won’t be the most powerful items ever created, but we expect they will add some fun and flavor. We expect to release them in the big August patch or shortly after.


I’m excited about these items. Relics will also add a new item slot to a character sheet.

Relics work like Badass-ranks from Borderlands. You can stack relics together and have them increase infinitely, with slightly less bonus added each time you add to the stack. This is something that “single-hero” players will definitely enjoy. There will be a wide range of relics that buff damage, survivability and utility of all types. We’ll start previewing these babies in the coming weeks.

Item Affixes

In the coming weeks, we’ll also be iterating on item affixes to remove and adjust the lame ones and add more cool affixes. This requires some programming, but it’s something we want to do continually as the game grows.

Future Items

Many future items are planned, from living items to ultimate items. We are following the philosophy that not every item needs to just be more powerful, but be powerful in certain situations with certain builds. The cosmic item you get today may still be your favorite item in a month or you may find something more appropriate for you. We are not strictly going for power creep, but more flexibility and giving you the ability to min/max your character as you choose.

Having said that, some uniques will be pretty awesome…

Have a great weekend.

Marvel Heroes: Update Patch Notes

The new patch notes from this weekend’s update are available. It includes more skill rebalancing (over a dozen heroes), changes to “defense” until a future patch actually fixes it, and ~20 bug fixes. Oh, and new costumes in the cash shop and that will appear as drops. This patch is less than half the size of last week’s patch, but it’s great to see the dev team is still hard at work since launch.


Patch Notes: Game Update

Design Note: This week’s patch is fairly small in comparison to last week. In addition to a new item rarity (Cosmic Items), we’ve focused on buffs for a few characters, some bug fixes and some quality of life improvements while we continue to work on a much larger patch with bigger changes, scheduled for release in a couple of weeks.

Content Additions

New item tier: Cosmic

Doctor Doom’s machinations have caused the Cosmic Cube to leak dangerous cosmic power into the universe. There are reports of items in the world that have been enhanced with powerful cosmic properties….

A new level of item rarity has been added to the world: Cosmic Items.

Cosmic Items have the following features:

  • All 5 basic item types are available in Cosmic rarity
  • Cosmic Items have a yellow highlight in your inventory and yellow text
  • Cosmic Items always have 5 affixes
  • All cosmic items have an additional bonus of +1 rank to all powers

In addition, every cosmic item has a special ‘Cosmic Power’. We are launching with 5 cosmic powers, each with a new visual effect:

Cosmic Starfall: Chance on hit to deliver a barrage of cosmic beams from the sky, heavily damaging enemies in an area around your target.

Cosmic Bulwark: Chance to spawn a cosmic shield of invulnerability around the wielder during combat.

Cosmic Demonspawn: Chance to summon a powerful cosmically-charged Ngarai Demon during combat.

Cosmic Devastation: Chance for the wielder to explode with devastating circle of cosmic energy when hit.

Cosmic Might: Chance to charge the wielder with massive cosmic power, dramatically increasing their combat abilities.

Design Note: Each of these cosmic powers is intended to live up to the cosmic name in terms of power. Tuning will continue after launch to ensure each cosmic power is dramatically impressive when they activate (from a visual and power standpoint). Additional cosmic properties may be added to coincide with certain storyline occurrences. Note that this additional level of rarity is just one of many item types currently in development.

New Artifacts

Two new artifacts have been added, both of which can be found as loot in-game:

The Circlet of Cyttorak: Cyttorak’s gem was Juggernaut’s power source. His circlet will increase the size and resilience of your hero.

The Extremis Serum: Extremis was a super soldier project developed by Maya Hansen. The serum from provides a boost to players to help prevent death. While below 30% health, the serum gives the player a huge boost to damage, defense and health regeneration.

Content Changes


Reduced the cost of adding a core to your costume from 200K to 85K.

Prices for the grade 3 and 4 defensive and offensive affix recipes have been reduced to 20K and 75K respectively.

You can now donate items to a crafter directly from the S.T.A.S.H. window.


Retcon Devices can now stack to 10.

MODOK medals and medallions now have a range of bonus damage instead of a set number. Existing medals and medallions are unchanged.

Pym’s Growth Serum bonus damage has been buffed.

Supergroup Sanctions may no longer be sold.

Costume Cores now have purple names instead of yellow.

Removed decimal from Mandarin medal and medallion tooltips.


Experience given by Red Terminal bosses has been increased by a factor of eight.

Enemy threat levels have been increased for the following end game zones to provide very high-level players a place to smash enemies.

  • Green Terminal (AIM Facility) increased from 51 to 52
  • Red Terminal (AIM Facility) increased from 51 to 52
  • Green Terminal (Hydra Island) increased from 52 to 54
  • Red Terminal (Hydra Island) increased from 52 to 54
  • Green Terminal (Castle Doom) increased from 53 to 56
  • Red Terminal (Castle Doom) increased from 53 to 56

Mission Hub

Design Note: We’re working on a series of changes to upgrade the terminal system in the game to be more convenient. Our goal is to have all terminals provide access to all instances so players have fewer loading screens.

Upon defeating Doctor Doom and speaking with one of three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents in any of the three social hubs, players now have access to all dailies, survival and group challenges from the various hub terminals. Endgame waypoints can be accessed from any hub’s terminals.


Design Note: We are converting our defense system to a percentage based item system over the course of the next few weeks. Until these changes are implemented, we’ve buffed armor values for heroes that need more survivability.

Black Panther: Armor gained from items doubled.

Black Widow: Armor gained from items doubled.

Captain America: Armor gained from items doubled.

Daredevil: Armor gained from items doubled.

Ms. Marvel: Armor gained from items doubled.

Spider-Man: Armor gained from items doubled.

Thor: Armor gained from items doubled.

New Costumes

Three new costumes have been added to the in-game store and are dropping in game as loot.

Captain America: The First Avenger Costume

Seen in: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
After being deemed unfit for military service during World War II, Steve Rogers volunteered for a top secret research project that transformed him into Captain America. He donned this costume and his one-of-a-kind shield to battle the forces of HYDRA and foil Red Skull’s plans to use the Tesseract.

Hulk: Horseman of Apocalypse Costume

Seen in: Incredible Hulk #456 (Sept. 1997)
Captured by Apocalypse, Hulk submitted to Apocalypse’s offer to eliminate his emotional and mental vulnerabilities. Apocalypse used Celestial technology to eliminate shrapnel from Hulk’s brain and secured this grim black helmet over his face, effectively mind-controlling him into becoming his personal Horseman (as well as giving him significant upgrades such as new armor).

Cable: War Baby Costume

Seen in: Cable #5 Vol. 2 (Sep. 2008)
Time traveling to the future to escape a crazed Bishop, Cable wore this armored plated chamber over his outfit to protect the infant Mutant Messiah, Hope Summers. As she grew up, Cable trained her to be a warrior on her own, teaching her the ways of war as he had learned them in his alternate future, before finally being able to return to the present timeline to battle Bastion.


Design Note: Every day we continue to iterate on hero designs – and we’re not done yet. Our goal is to ensure every hero is fun with several powerful build options. Every hero with significant changes to powers will always receive a free respec.

Black Widow:

  • Deadly Shot: Slightly increased damage. Slightly increased minimum charge time.
  • Elusive Kick: Now associated with the Fighting Skills statistic. Icon corrected.
  • Micro-Drones: Refined the missile AI so that the missiles only target enemies and destructibles within range of the player. This increases the likelihood that nearby enemies will be targeted and hit by the power.
  • Stinging Barrage: Decreased cost by one per shot (33%).
  • Sudden Slash: Now associated with the Fighting Skills statistic.


  • Devastating Beam: Slightly increased damage. Slightly increased the range. Added defense penetration charge-up.
  • Plasma Barrage: Now re-associated with the Fighting Skills statistic.
  • Vortex Grenade: Added tech to allow 2 Vortex Grenades to damage an enemy at a time.


  • Optic Devastation: Increased damage.
  • Optic Barrage: Decreased cost by one per shot (33%).


    Daredevil’s spirit costs have been reduced across many of the more expensive powers.

  • Club Sweep: Sped up animation time. Damage increased slightly.
  • Enter the Void: Redesigned as a preventative cleanse that features a critical chance buff component, costing Spirit instead of Health to activate.
  • Evasive Kick: Damage increased slightly.
  • Knockback Kick: Damage increased slightly.
  • Man Without Fear: Dodge amount scaling adjusted to gain more smoothly across ranks. (We are doing this with all similar powers of all heroes to reward players who invest in this power).
  • Opening Lunge: Damage increased slightly.
  • Relentless Justice: Movement speed scaling adjusted to gain more smoothly across ranks.
  • Swinging Assault: Animation and travel sped up a bit, damage greatly increased but gained a short cooldown.
  • Taser Club: Damage increased slightly.
  • Whirling Club: Damage increased. No longer knocks enemies away, which can be annoying for players.
  • Ultimate Power (Elektra Alliance): Spirit cost removed, base summon duration increased, enabled damage variance, sped up Elektra’s attacks and AI, and added two more thrown daggers to her sai attacks. Elektra will continue to be buffed until she is a durable killing machine.


  • Superior Healing Factor: Regeneration rate increased.


  • Hulk’s health has been increased by 20% and the defense buff from having Anger has been doubled. This is a small first step to making him the beast he is intended to be. More changes are coming.

Iron Man:

  • Automated Missiles: Refined the missile AI so that the missiles only target enemies and destructibles within range of the player. This increases the likelihood that nearby enemies will be targeted and hit by the power.
  • Death From Above: Increased the AoE radius to be easier to use. Reduced cost from 56 to 30.
  • Jet-Assisted Slam: Adjusted the power to hit as an AoE instead of a forward cone, to make the power easier to use.
  • Micro-Missiles: Refined the missile AI so that the missiles only target enemies and destructibles within range of the player. This increases the likelihood that nearby enemies will be targeted and hit by the power.
  • Repulsor Barrage: Increased damage.
  • Unibeam: Increased damage slightly. Slightly increased the range. Reduced cost from 40 to 35. Using Unibeam no longer drops Iron Man’s shield.

Ms. Marvel:

  • Crashdown Strike: Increased the AoE radius to be easier to use. Reduced cost from 56 to 30.


  • Armor-Piercing Shot: Slightly increased damage.

Rocket Raccoon:

  • As a result of these changes, Rocket Raccoon players will have their power points reset for free.
  • Statistics: Rocket’s Speed stat now starts at 3, and his base movement speed has also been increased.
  • Big Flarkin’ Gun: Now associated with the Fighting Skills statistic, and now unlocks at level 24. Starting damage adjusted according to new unlock level.
  • Burrowing Escape: Now unlocks at level 8.
  • Cunning Plan: Now unlocks at level 28.
  • Energy Barrage: Decreased cost of Energy Barrage by 33%, increased starting damage slightly. Now unlocks at level 6.
  • Quick Shot: Now even quicker!
  • Tactical Destruction: Changed the power’s damage model to no longer be a mix of flat damage and charge-up damage. Increased the charge-up damage to better match Hawkeye’s Adamantium Arrow. Slightly increased minimum charge time. Slightly increased the range of the power. Slightly increased cost to 22 from 20.
  • Turrets: Now are summoned faster to allow summoning on the run. Blaster Turret now shoots much faster.


  • Sticky Strike: Increased damage.
  • Web ‘Em All: Increased overall damage by roughly 50%. Sped up the start-up of the power to be more responsive.


  • Almighty Mjolnir: Slightly increased damage.
  • Asgardian Smite: Moderately increased damage and changed animation to allow Thor players to regain control quicker after completing this epic move. More tuning will be required to make Asgardian Smite into a top-tier power as is intended.


  • Wolverine now has 17% more base health and 17% more health is gained per level.
  • Cage the Beast: Cooldown removed.
  • Regeneration Boost: Cooldown removed.

Bug Fixes


The enemy affix ‘Ignore Defenses’ no longer appears in game. This was intended to be removed in the last patch, but was only removed from bosses previously.

Fixed missing mission tracker in Savage Land.

Fixed a bug where vendor item prices were not showing up in some circumstances.

Some minimap areas which previously would not be visible (like the Throne Room in the Daily Dr Doom Region) will now be visible.

Some missions that were not giving party credit on interaction with mission objects have been adjusted to properly give party credit when anyone in the party interacts with the object.

Fixed an issue where loot would occasionally spawn far away from Cyclops, Black Widow, Punisher, and Wolverine.

Healing and other beneficial effects will now work when you are invulnerable.

Heroes should no longer verbally greet other heroes who are off screen.

Fixed an issue that prevented item tooltips from showing the correct damage range for randomly rolled proc affixes.



  • Jumping Strike: Damage synergy with Opening Lunge should now be displaying properly.
  • Swinging Assault: Now correctly deals double damage to knocked down targets.
  • Ultimate Power (Elektra Alliance): Critical Chance buff duration now lines up with Elektra’s summon duration.
  • Taser Club and Rebounding Club negative status effects should now correctly trigger into other power combos.


  • Foot Gougers: Now reduces target movement speed as intended.

Iron Man

  • Shield Shutdown: Fixed a bug where the power wasn’t properly rewarding spirit or showing its percent in the tooltip.

Scarlet Witch

  • Chaos Tempest: Now reduces target movement speed as intended.

Artifact & Items

Phoenix Feather: Fixed a bug that could cause a player to die after their Phoenix Feather procs their revival.

Skrull Targeting Computer: Fixed a bug that caused Skrull Targeting Computer to do too little bonus damage to unaware targets.

Tome of Oshtur: Fixed a bug that was giving Tome of Oshtur a crazy high percent-based bonus to damage instead of a flat bonus to damage.

Lady Deathstrike Medals/Medallions: Corrected tooltips by changing ‘on hit’ to ‘on crit’.

Original Marvel Heroes Patch Notes

Marvel Heroes: Star-Spangled Sale (June 28 – July 8)

The first ever sale in Marvel Heroes has begun! For 10 days, June 28-July 8, there are pretty major savings to be had on new heroes (looks like 25%-50%). And thanks to the Canadian players, Wolverine even had a 50% discount!


For the next 10 days, get some great deals on heroes, costumes, and more!

Our star-spangled sale has begun – with every hero and almost every costume in Marvel Heroes reduced in price! Log into Marvel Heroes right now to pick up some great deals on heroes, costumes and more. Remember, the sale runs until Monday, check this chart for your time zone:

Sale Time By Region

Time Zone Begins on June 28th at: Ends On July 8th at
Pacific US 12:01 AM 12:01 AM
Mountain US 1:01 AM 1:01 AM
Central US 2:01 AM 2:01 AM
Eastern US 3:01 AM 3:01 AM
UTC 7:01 AM 7:01 AM
BST (London) 8:01 AM 8:01 AM
CEST (Paris, Berlin) 9:01 AM 9:01 AM
SGT (Singapore) 3:01 PM 3:01 PM
EST (Sydney) 5:01 PM 5:01 PM
NZST (Auckland) 7:01 PM 7:01 PM


All Heroes – On Sale!

We’ve cut prices on every hero! Naturally a sale this patriotic leads with Captain America, who gets a 50% discount to 600Gs! Every one of Captain America’s alternate costumes has reduced in price too, with his World War II era ‘Original’ costume now just 200Gs.

We were reminded by our Canadian players that July 1st is also Canada Day, so in celebration of that holiday, we’ve also reduced Wolverine by 50% to 600Gs!

If you’d rather play Cap’s compatriot in Marvel’s The Avengers, Iron Man – you’re in luck. He’s been reduced in price to 1500Gs, along with Spider-Man and Deadpool – also 1500Gs. The rest of our heroes have been reduced in price as well, to 1100Gs, 800Gs and 450Gs as shown below.

Hero Sale Price






















Costumes – On Sale!

Almost every costume has been reduced in price, some dramatically! For this sale there are four tiers of pricing for normal costumes, with a higher tier for Deadpool’s Enhanced Pirate Costume.

Starting at 200Gs, there are some great bargains to be had. Take a trip back to his early days with Cable’s Original Costume. Pick up a selection of Classic costumes for Colossus, Cyclops, Iron Man and Spider-Man. Perhaps you just want a unique look for Wolverine – look no further than ‘Leather Fang’ – just 200Gs.

At the 450G tier we have an even wider selection of costumes, including three different looks for Captain America and three more for Iron Man (including the Mark III and Mark IV movie armors). Perhaps you favor the God of Thunder, Thor? Pick up his Classic costume. Complete your Avengers team with Hawkeye’s Modern Costume, also at 450Gs during the sale.

Our final two sale tiers – 950 and 1250Gs – cover a wide range of costumes for almost every hero, including excellent outfits like Colossus’ Marvel NOW! Costume, Black Panther’s Armored Panther look, Cyclops’ ’90s costume, Hulk’s distinct ‘Mr Fixit’ suit and the ‘suitcase armor’ itself, the Iron Man Mark V Armor!

Finally we’ve reduced the price on our Enhanced Costume for Deadpool to 1750Gs. For those moments when Deadpool’s witty repartee isn’t enough, we invite you to enjoy the terrible tales of that scurvy seadog, Pirate Deadpool (soon to be upgraded with flintlock pistols for a more authentic look!).

For a complete list of all costumes (with preview) on sale and their prices, click here!

But that’s not all…

We know many of you like to experiment with different builds for your heroes, so we’ve cut the price of Retcon Devices in half for the sale. They’re now just 150Gs for a limited time, so pick up a few for all of your history-rewriting needs.

Keep watching the in-game store next week for some exciting new additions, too, including costumes and maybe even new consumables!

Our Sale Promise

We know many game sales events vary their prices throughout the promotion, which can mean you miss out on a great bargain. We’re committed to keeping these prices as-is for the entire 10 days until July 8th at 12:01AM PDT, so you can buy with confidence.

Some of you may have purchased a hero or costume in the last few days, not knowing this sale was about to start. If you have purchased a hero from the in-game store since Tuesday, June 25th, we will refund the difference (in Gs) between your purchase price and the sale price.

In addition, if you purchased a costume since Tuesday that has dropped in price by 400Gs or more, we will also refund the difference (in Gs) between your purchase price and the sale price.

To claim your refund, you must contact Customer Support, who will verify your in-game purchase and then refund your account. To contact Customer Support, login to your profile on Marvel and click ‘Support’ and ‘Submit a Help Request’. Then use the dropdown menu to select ‘Holiday Sale Issues’ and send in your request. Please note, due to the high volume of expected refund requests, your refund may take up to a week to process. Refunds can only be granted for items that were purchased from the in-game store; heroes and costumes included as part of a pack are not eligible for refund.

We hope you enjoy the first ever sale in Marvel Heroes, and as always, we want to hear your feedback! Talk to us on our ForumsFacebookTwitter, or Google+ and tell us what you think!

Marvel Heroes: Patch Live

The latest Marvel Heroes patch addresses 11 different boss updates along with crafting and quite a few miscellaneous updates. Click here to see the official article.


Content Changes

Mystery Egg

The previous ‘Special Mission Reward’ box has been transformed into… a Mystery Egg. Players affected by the ‘unlock only’ bug (from around launch) will find an item called ‘Mystery Egg’ in their inventory if they had an unused hero token that was ‘unlock only’ (the bugged token). This item will ‘hatch’ into a new Starter Hero unlock in a near-future patch, so don’t destroy it.


New Crafting Recipe: Swap Costume Affixes (Crafter Rank 4)

This recipe allows you to swap all affixes between two different costumes – useful for when you buy a new costume and want to swap all your affixes and core onto that costume. This recipe replaces the Transfer Costume Affixes recipe, and upgrades the old recipe, which transferred affixes from 1 costume to a new costume. This recipe also swaps the cores and visual affixes.
Design Note: Our old recipe transferred affixes and caused players to accidentally delete affixes if they didn’t execute it properly. We’ve replaced the recipe to ensure people don’t accidentally nerf themselves.

Bovine Sector (AKA Cow Level):

Crafting the Bovine Sector recipe now takes 1 hour instead of 10 hours.
Design Note: We think the Bovine Sector (cow level) is fun and it’s on our list of high-priority items to work on. Since we fixed the bug that allowed multiple uses, we decided it would be more fun to reduce the crafting time to 1 hour. This is a very small first step in a plan to make your battle against the Skrull-Cows as fun, challenging and rewarding as possible.

Ultimate Pack Costumes:

Ultimate pack exclusive costumes can no longer be destroyed by dropping them.

Artifact and Medallion Improvements:

Design Note: We did a pass on all items and artifacts to ensure maximum fun. We found about 70 items that were below our power curve, so we buffed all of them and will roll them out over the next two patches. We found 1 item that that was dramatically above our power curve, so we reduced its power level.

We want players to have a lot of different options with items, and to select items based on their play style and build. If someone enjoys pets, there should be viable items to support that build. If people prefer a dodge build, crit build or AoE build then there should be options to support that style build.

You’ll notice that we focused on buffs rather than nerfs, which is what we strongly prefer. We don’t like reducing an item’s power as a general rule because we know that players spend time farming and trading for specific items.

Our one nerf was Edge of Infinity because it was dealing the highest damage, by far, of any item in the game. It wasn’t even close. In this case we decided to reduce only the base damage, but leave it as the strongest pure damage item for many builds, particularly crit focused builds.

Once these changes are live, we will be monitoring performance and player feedback. We will continue to adjust them to give players the freedom to choose the artifact that fits their play style best.

Rhino and Taskmaster:

  • Their Medallion now increase Max Damage Reduction.

Doctor Doom:

  • Increased the chance for Medallion’s fear effect slightly.

Doctor Octopus:

  • Increased the Power Radius bonus from his Chapter 8 medal slightly.


  • His medal and medallion now list the damage dealt by the chance-on-hit effect.
  • The damage for his medal and medallion’s chance-on-hit effect has been greatly increased.

Lady Deathstrike:

  • Her medal and medallion’s bleed damage has been doubled.

Living Laser:

  • His medal and medallion’s damage has been greatly increased.
  • His medal and medallion now lists the damage dealt by the chance-on-hit effect.
  • His medallion will now grant approximately double the spirit it was granting previously.


  • His medal and medallion now lists the damage dealt by the chance-on-hit effect.
  • His medal and medallions chance-on-hit damage for all effects.


  • His medal and medallion now lists the damage dealt by the chance-on-hit effect.
  • His medal and medallion now have a range for its fireball effect.
  • His medal and medallion’s fireball effect have had their damage increased.


  • His medal and medallion now have a range for its effect.
  • His medal and medallion’s chance-on-hit effect has had its damage greatly increased.


  • His medal and medallion now lists the damage dealt by its “flames” effect.
  • His medal and medallion have had its “flames” effect damage increased.


  • His medal and medallion’s effect has had its damage increased.


The Edge of Infinity artifact has had its bonus damage reduced by approximately 30%. Crit chance and bonus damage on crit remain the same.

Darkhold Scroll and Phoenix Feather artifacts now display cooldown in the tooltip.

Bug Fixes

Crafting Recipes

We fixed an issue where some players received Ultimate Pack exclusive costumes from a rank 20 crafting recipe. These costumes can no longer be crafted. All the exclusive costumes have been replaced with a random, non-exclusive costume with the same affixes. (This applies whether the costume is equipped, in an inventory or in a STASH.)

Bovine Sector:

  • Players can now only enter the Bovine Sector once per consumable item, and the portal will go away when the player leaves the Bovine Sector. Note: We have also reduced the crafting time to 1 hour, down from 10 hours as described in crafting changes.

User Interface (UI)

The Max Defense Reduction stat is now properly displayed on the character sheet.

The tooltip for Bonus XP on the Character Sheet stats tab has been corrected.



  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Freezing’ affix effect would activate inappropriately or too early for many boss powers.
  • Fixed Rhino, Lady Deathstrike, Kingpin, and Juggernaut not receiving charm resistance while charging.


  • Magneto will once again chase his target during Metal Storm.


  • Ice Ring will no longer immobilize targets (unless they remain in the AOE long enough to be stunned).


  • Fixed an issue where Wizard’s Triple Disc throw had all three discs on top of each other instead of spread out at 30 degree angles.

Heroes and Powers


  • Various tooltip text fixes on hero powers.


  • Searing Shot: Fixed an issue where visual effects when hitting enemies were not seen.

Captain America:

  • Aggressive Shout: Fixed an issue where the power had both a 10 second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) buff, and only one of them was being shown.


  • Radar Sense now properly dodges incoming skillshots, and displays the correct chance on its tooltip.

Iron Man:

  • Synergies for Channeled Repulsors have been fixed and are working as described.


  • Re-enabled animations for the /wave and /showoff emotes for Spider-Man’s Symbiote costume.

The Edge of Infinity artifact has had its bonus damage reduced by approximately 30%. Crit chance and bonus damage on crit remain the same.

Darkhold Scroll and Phoenix Feather artifacts now display cooldown in the tooltip.



Creatures summoned by artifacts and medals, such as a Moloid Leaper and Sinister Clones, are now summoned at the level of the item instead of at level 1. This will make them much more dangerous, as they should be.
Design Note: We want creatures summoned by items or powers to be strong and effective. If players want to use a “pet” based strategy, we will keep balancing to ensure it’s viable.

Pets are no longer targeted by bouncing attacks.

Madame Hydra Medal:

  • Fixed an issue where the medal would grant invulnerability to nearby orbs as well as players.

Doctor Doom Medal:

  • Fixed an issue stopping hero movement when its fear effect activates.

Mole Man Medal:

  • Moloid Leapers summoned by the medal now attack enemies more frequently.


Fixed an issue where sound could be lost intermittently after changing locations.

In-Game Store

When buying Gs, the United States state selection list can now be scrolled past ‘Tennessee’ as intended.

G purchases should now correctly display in supported local currencies at checkout.

Known Major Issues

For the list of our current known major issues, please check this post in our forums as it will be updated regularly.

Marvel Heroes: New Colossus & Ms. Marvel Costumes

Giving fans a reason to spend some real cash in the item shop, Marvel Heroes has announced the first addition to the store since launch: costume options!


Ms. Marvel

There are already over 110 costumes available in Marvel Heroes, but we’re just getting started! We’ll be adding more costumes to the game over time, and today we kick things off with a pair of 1980s era costumes!

We start with Ms. Marvel, who experienced some radical changes during an outer-space adventure with the X-Men (read the story in Uncanny X-Men #163 and #164). After being captured by the Brood and experimented on, her already augmented genes achieved their full potential and she was transformed into the cosmically-powered Binary!

We couldn’t pass up the chance to recreate this distinct look for Carol Danvers – it’s safe to say she’s never looked quite like this, before or since! Special visual effects have been added to show off Carol’s ‘cosmic flare’ and give her a unique appearance.


Over 60 issues of Uncanny X-Men later our next costume appeared, in issue #229, which took the X-Men to Australia. (This issue also saw the debut of Gateway and the Reavers, also seen in Marvel Heroes!)

Deciding perhaps that the heat Down Under was too much for his delicate metal skin, Colossus spent some time stripped to the waist – which we had to recreate with our Colossus Outback costume. It’s the same Colossus you know and love, just with more exposed metal.

Both of these costumes are now available in Marvel Heroes as random loot drops, or for optional purchase in the in-game store with Gs. (This also applies to Colossus and Ms. Marvel as heroes.) We hope you enjoy these new looks, and we’ll have more to share soon!

Original Marvel Heroes Article

Marvel Heroes: Patch Now Live

Despite not having downtime tonight, Rockjaw’s post does outline all of the patch changes they introduced today, including the awesome addition of Supergroups (a.k.a. “Guilds”). This is a major addition to the game (surprised this wasn’t in at launch) and will definitely help facilitate more socialization as the only way to repeat chat is to fill up your friend list. Unfortunately, Supergroups are limited to 100 characters (thought that’s actual accounts as “alts” are just hero swaps on the same account).

The other big changes are to defense (primarily to help tanks nearing endgame) and a very, very long list of hero balancing. In all, very needed and it’s great to see them keeping up with those fixes since launch.

Be warned, this was a full two-post post on the official forums, so be prepared to scroll!

Original Marvel Heroes Forum Post

Patch Notes: Game Update Notes 6/13/2013 –

Content Additions

Supergroups (AKA guilds) are now available in Marvel Heroes. This is the first iteration of supergroups, with more features coming in the future.

To create a supergroup, purchase a supergroup sanction from War Machine in Avengers Tower. A supergroup is a way to create a persistent social group with other players. Most supergroup commands are currently accessed via / commands with the ‘guild’ prefix – this will be updated in the future.

Supergroup sanctions (the ability to create a supergroup) cost 10,001 credits. This grants you an item that can be traded with other players if you wish. Right click the item to unlock supergroup commands. To create your supergroup, type /guildcreate [name]

Supergroup names may only contain the letters A-Z, one apostrophe, one hyphen, and have a limited number of spaces. Certain words are restricted from use in supergroup names.

Supergroups are limited to 100 members in total.

Upon creating a supergroup you will gain access to a supergroup chat channel for your supergroup. To access it, type /guild or /g in the chat channel.

Other supergroup related commands are as follows – type these into the chat channel, substituting [username] or [name]:

/guildcreate – Create your supergroup. You can only create one supergroup per account.

/guildinvite [username] – Invite a player to your supergroup. You can also right-click their name in the Social panel (press U) if they are a friend or nearby. (Please note: potential supergroup members must be online, in-game to be invited to your supergroup at this time.)

/guildpromote [username] – As a leader or office, promote a member of your supergroup to the rank of officer. Officers can invite other players to join the supergroup.

/guilddemote [username] – As a leader or officer, demote an officer of your supergroup to the rank of member, or remove a member from the supergroup.

/guildleader – This command is currently non-functional, but will eventually allow a supergroup leader to be changed.

/guildrename [supergroup name] – Rename your supergroup. All guild renames are logged for Customer Support purposes.

/guildleave – Leave your current supergroup.

Content Changes

The overall chance for heroes to drop as loot throughout Marvel Heroes has been increased.

As a reminder, heroes can drop as loot from:

  • Standard enemies (Any enemy in the game)
  • Elite enemies (Enemies with a blue/yellow aura)
  • Bosses (Supervillains found inside instances (eg Shocker, Doctor Octopus, The Hood, etc), and in Public Combat Zone Event Missions (eg Venom, Rhino, Green Goblin etc))
  • Endgame bosses (Found at the end of in Daily Missions, Group Challenges and Survival Challenges)

The highest chance to get heroes or costumes is from Survival Challenge endgame bosses, who have a significantly higher drop rate. You also will have a better chance of getting heroes and costumes as drops from enemies that have a green or orange ‘threat level’ (see the nameplate above an enemy’s head to check). Green-level enemies will be slightly below or slightly above your hero’s level; orange level enemies will be even further above your hero’s level.

Endgame bosses now have a bonus chance to drop a hero token for the character you are currently playing, in addition to a random hero token. These can be used to upgrade your Ultimate Power.

Gameplay Changes: Defense

We’ve heard community feedback on defense, and have begun making changes with this patch. Defense has not been helping tanks enough, especially against higher level content.

With this patch we are improving defense for all heroes, but heroes that do not have dodge and/or do not have any ranged attacks will benefit more from the change.

To improve defense further, we will be adjusting powers and items and tweaking how defense works slightly in the future. This first step buffs items that provide defense:

  • Defense has been increased on items for all heroes by +30%.
  • Defense on items for Deadpool, Wolverine, Captain America, Iron Man, Ms Marvel and Thor has been doubled (x2).
  • Defense on items for Thing, Hulk and Colossus has been quadrupled (x4).
  • Defense on artifacts and medals has been significantly increased.

UI Changes

In an effort to make it clearer that additional S.T.A.S.H. tabs cost Gs, the size of the G symbol and button have been increased to make them more readable.

Administrative announcements (talking about game servers going offline, for the most part) have been made more noticeable in chat.

Item Changes

Artifacts: Some artifacts have been renamed:

· Bannertech Force Field is now called Fantastic Force Field
· Flames of the Faltine is now called Flames of Zarathos
· Cyttorak Torch is now called Flames of the Faltine
· Personal Arc Reactor is now called Mark of the Odinborn
· Smoke of Zarathos is now called Fog of Wundagore

S.H.I.E.L.D. Motion Tracker: The bonus damage given by this artifact has been slightly reduced.

Tombstone Medal/Medallion: Armor bonus has been increased. Added health bonus.

Balance Changes

The overall range at which players get experience from enemies has been increased.

Endgame Changes

Auto-Party is now turned on for Green Daily Missions if you have auto-party enabled in your Options (it is on by default).

Endgame bosses now have a bonus chance to drop a hero token for the character you are currently playing, in addition to a random hero token. These can be used to upgrade your Ultimate Power.

Cosmic Cube Shards now drop once per boss, per day, per account.

’Base’ costumes (which are equipped on a character when they are purchased) will no longer drop as loot in the game.

Boss Changes

Magneto: Magnetic Blast – damage reduced.

Magneto: Metal Storm – damage reduced.

Enemy Changes

Maggia Gangsters now attack faster.

Maggia Thugs now attack faster.

Mission Changes

Chapter 1, Hell’s Kitchen: The number of enemies you must defeat in the ‘Save the Police’ and ‘Arson’ Discovery missions has been reduced. However, all enemies are now elite.

Chapter 2, Jersey Docks: The number of A.I.M. robots you must defeat in the ‘Unfriendly Cargo’ event has been reduced. However, all robots are now elite.

Hero Changes

Cable Changes:

Cable’s statistics progression has been updated.

Bold Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Concussion Blast: Now gains duration synergy from Vortex Grenade.

Devastating Beam: Increased damage. Increased cost from 20 to 25.

Dynamic Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Eye For Weakness: Reduced cost from 17 to 15.

Kinetic Repulsion: Now gains duration synergy from Telekinetic Shield and Psychokinetic Barrier.

Plasma Barrage: Increased damage.

Psychic Trap: Reduced cost from 40 to 36.

Psychokinetic Barrier: Reduced damage. Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Repulsion and Telekinetic Shield. Reduced cost from 30 to 27. Now unlocks at level 8.

Quick Bodyslide: Slightly increased starting range. Reduced cost from 25 to 21.

Telekinetic Shield: Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Repulsion and Psychokinetic Barrier. Now unlocks at level 18.

Vigilant Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased cost reduction scaling with ranks.

Vortex Grenade: Now gains duration synergy from Concussion Blast.

Colossus Changes:

Battle Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Bulwark of Steel: Now gains defense synergy from Metallic Warrior.

Colossal Punch: Lowered damage synergy from Crushing Smite and Osmium Champion from 2.5% to 2%.

Crushing Smite: Lowered damage synergy from Colossal Punch and Osmium Champion from 2.5% to 2%.

Metallic Warrior: Now gains damage synergy from Bulwark of Steel.

Osmium Champion: Now gains duration synergy from Crushing Smite and Colossal Punch.

Osmium Charge: Lowered damage synergy from Steel Splash and Spinning Fists from 2.5% to 2%.

Osmium Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Protective Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Reeling Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Spinning Fists: Lowered damage synergy from Steel Splash and Osmium Charge from 2.5% to 2%.

Stalwart Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Steel Punch: Lowered damage synergy from other basic powers from 2.5% to 2%.

Steel Splash: Lowered damage synergy from Spinning Fists and Osmium Charge from 2.5% to 2%.

Sustaining Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased regen scaling with ranks.

Deadpool Changes:

Shoot All the Bullets: Now properly deals extra damage with synergy.

Hulk Changes:

Meteor Strike (Ultimate Power): Now costs 25 spirit.

Jean Grey Changes:

Bolstering Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers.

Dark Phoenix Wrath: Explosion now hits full 360 around the player and causes enemies to burn, taking damage over time. Also grants +2 bonus ranks in all powers at power rank 1.

Kinetic Bolt: Slightly increased projectile speed.

Kinetic Tempest: Now gains duration synergy from Kinetic Wave and Psychokinetic Implosion.

Kinetic Wave: Lowered damage synergy from Psychokinetic Implosion and Kinetic Tempest from 2.5% to 2%.

Kinetic Wave: Slightly increased area size.

Mind Crush: slightly increased starting damage. lowered damage synergy from Psychic Lethargy and Neural Panic from 2.5% to 2%. Decreased cost from 25 to 21.

Neural Panic: Now gains duration synergy from Psychic Lethargy and Mind Crush. Now unlocks at level 22.

Phoenix Transformation: Phoenix Force no longer depletes on defeat.

Psychic Hammer: Slightly increased projectile speed.

Psychic Lethargy: Now deals damage over time instead of making enemies more vulnerable to damage. Now gains damage synergy from Mind Crush and Neural Panic. Increased cost from 13 to 20.

Psychokinetic Implosion: Reduced cost from 33 to 31. Lowered damage synergy from Kinetic Wave and Kinetic Tempest from 2.5% to 2%. Now unlocks at level 14.

Reinforcing Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Now unlocks at level 18.

Rejuvenating Aura: Now gains an increased effect from other aura powers. Slightly increased regeneration scaling with ranks.

Telekinetic Flight: Now unlocks at level 20.

Telepathic Detection: Now also adds bonus damage to all Mental powers when not in Phoenix Form. Now unlocks at level 12.

Punisher Changes:

Deadly Barrage: Increased damage.

Rocket Raccoon Changes:

Big Flarkin’ Gun: Increased tick rate. Fixed a bug that caused the power to tick more often per second than intended.

Spider-Man Changes:

Spider-Man’s fighting and strength statistics progression has been updated.

Corrosive Web Fluid: Now gains duration synergy from Web Spray.

Evasive Websling: Now gains duration synergy from Sensational Escape.

Sensational Escape: Now gains duration synergy from Evasive Websling.

Web Spray: Now gains duration synergy from Corrosive Web Fluid.

Storm Changes:

Storm’s fighting statistic progression has been updated.

Sirocco Rush: Now gains stun duration synergy from Lightning Rush.

Thundering Tempest: Screen darkening effect now only occurs on Storm player’s screen.

Bug Fixes

Endgame Fixes

The Red Daily Mission against Doctor Doom now spawns and completes correctly.

Moondragon, Rogue and Invisible Woman will now accept Cosmic Cube Shards in exchange for Fortune Cards.

Rhino will no longer have a sliver of infinite health in PvE endgame modes.

The Red Daily Mission Terminal now correctly takes you to Hydra Island.

The Green Daily Mission Terminal on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier will no longer deposit you outside the boss room.

Only missions that require Cosmic Keys should have the ‘Requires item: Cosmic Key’ tooltip displayed now.

Enemy Fixes

Elite (Blue/Yellow) enemies now have their correct, as designed, health.

Enemies will no longer attack summoned crafters and vendors.

Fixed an issue where enemies would switch targets unnecessarily.

Fixed an issue where affixes prevented some enemies from using their normal powers.

The ‘Freezing’ enemy affix’s effects no longer fire prematurely during certain powers.

Fixed some enemies that spawned within an area of effect not being affected until they left the AoE’s radius and returned.

Boss Fixes

Bullseye: Fixed an issue where Marked for Death could still target entities summoned by players.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue where he would become invisible and untargetable.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue where ricocheting shots would not work in his final battle.

Doctor Doom: Fixed an issue with medal and medallion that was allowing an inaccurately long duration increase on heroes’ powers.

Mr Sinister: Energy storm power now correctly does damage repeatedly throughout its duration.

Shocker: Fixed an issue where Shocker would switch targets too frequently.

Venom: Fixed an issue where Venom would leave battles early.

Hero/Power Fixes

Black Panther’s Savage Strike, Black Widow’s Elusive Kick, and Daredevil’s Evasive Kick can no longer knock turrets (and certain other resistant enemies) into the air.

Tumbling powers such as Black Widows Tumbling Assault and Spider-Man’s Agile Attack will more accurately place you behind targets.

Cable: Fixed a visual bug with new duration synergies on Kinetic Repulsion.

Cable: Fixed an issue with Plasma Barrage that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Cable: Fixed an issue with Psychic Haze that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Cable: Removed the ‘Fighting Power’ keyword from Veteran Warrior as it was confusing on a passive power.

Cable: Removed the fire rate tooltip on Vortex Grenade’s tooltip, as the cooldown on the power made it confusing.

Captain America: Buffs from Fighting Spirit no longer stack from other players using the same power in the same area.

Captain America: Fixed an issue with Quick Block which could make Cap invulnerable when repeatedly using the power.

Captain America: Shield Bounce and other bouncing powers should no longer target invisible entities in Doctor Doom’s battle area.

Captain America: Shield Swipe can no longer be used while shield is thrown.

Colossus: Fixed an issue with Stalwart Aura where the knock resistance was not being correctly calculated.

Colossus: Osmium Punch no longer disables spirit regeneration when used.

Hawkeye: Ronin Assault (24) and Ronin Lunge (30) should now unlock at the intended levels.

Iron Man: Fixed an issue with Reflective Shield where the tooltip did not display the percentage of damage reflected.

Jean Grey: Fixed a minor animation hitch when repeatedly using Psychic Lethargy.

Jean Grey: Interplay voiceover will now trigger correctly.

Punisher: Movement is no longer interrupted when he gains Vengeance.

Rocket Raccoon: Clarified duration tooltip on Burrow.

Rocket Raccoon: Increased the tick rate of Big Flarkin’ Gun. Fixed an issue that caused the power to tick more often per second than intended.

Spider-Man: Clarified description on Stick Around to indicate that the enemies need to be currently under the effect of a web power to be stunned.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue where bonus damage was not being applied to Amazing Smash. Added missing cooldown tooltip.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue with Web ‘Em All that caused the damage synergy to not apply.

Spider-Man: Fixed an issue with Web Spray where the slow effect would fall off early when the ground webs disappeared.

Thing: Fixed an issue with Jagged Defender where the tooltip did not display the percentage of damage reflected.

Wolverine: Adrenaline Rush should now display the standard haste trail VFX for the duration of the buff.

Crafting Fixes

Some artifacts with visual effects were not allowed in crafting recipes that wanted an artifact with visuals. This has been fixed.

Clarified effect of Transfer Costume Affixes recipe – destination costume loses existing affixes.

Clarified effect of Transform Epic Item recipe – can’t use it on items already useable by your hero.

UI/VFX Fixes

Hero tokens can now be stored in the appropriate S.T.A.S.H. tab for that hero, if that tab has been purchased.

Fixed an issue where /reply in chat was behaving strangely in some circumstances.

Fixed an issue that caused Storm’s powers to be too transparent when graphics settings were set to ‘low’.

Toggled powers that are slotted in the left/right mouse button slots will now show their toggle state properly.

Certain Iron Man costumes in lower graphic settings will no longer show incorrect thruster VFX while flying.

Fixed an issue where power tooltips would not display the damage bonuses from buff powers (Colossus’ auras, etc.)

Base defense values (white text) including bonuses given by defense affixes will now display correctly in item tooltips.

Fixed an issue where players have completed missions, but they show the “in progress” stripes in the mission log, not the expected “completed” check mark.

Fixed an issue with the ‘Show Party Member Arrows’ option. When turned on, this will now correctly show arrows for all party members in your zone.

Fixed an issue where newly added entries in the Social Panel would take a long time to show up.

Items for sale at a Vendor which cannot fit their entire name in the list will now be truncated with a “…”. The full name is always visible in the tooltip.

Clea’s door now has a minimap icon.

Correct VFX/SFX will now play when gaining a Boost buff from a Fortune Card.

When switching between characters your character sheet will now show the correct equipment for the character.

Options Fixes

Keybindings should now persist between patches.

Cancelling out of the keybindings menu with pending changes will now cancel all changes.

Changing an existing keybinding will now be properly displayed.

Miscellaneous Fixes

Marvel Heroes will now correctly refuse to run on all graphics cards that don’t fully support Shader Model 3.0. Previously, the game was trying to run on these cards and crashing.

Bodysliders will now immediately be usable after their cooldown expires.

Rested experience will now be deducted correctly.

Fixed an issue that could cause Retcon Devices to fail to refund mission-awarded Power Points until you next logged in to the game.

Many fixes for erroneous collisions when flying over environmental objects.

Items that increase the duration of powers now do not affect consumables.

When being revived in Hydra Island, you will now appear in the correct location.

Players can no longer use flight to leave the level in the Subway.

Artifact Yukio’s Charm now boosts melee attacks instead of ranged attacks. EDIT: Strike that; reverse it. Now correct.

Fixed an issue that made the travel confirmation dialog from NPCs stay on-screen forever.

Fixed an issue that caused players to be stuck ‘behind the world’ in Mutate Caves.

Known Major Issues

French and German localization is almost, but not entirely complete; some English text may be found.

The Red Terminal instance for “Abandoned Subway” in the Helicarrier will send you back to Avengers Tower Prologue and eat your Cosmic Key.

Store icon for Spider-Man displays an incorrect costume; Spider-Man comes equipped with his Modern costume, not the Classic costume shown.

Powers that deal damage over time currently cannot score critical hits.

After being defeated by Pyro, there is a chance that players will be brought back to Xavier’s School rather than the beginning of the instance where Pyro is found.

Cars may not respawn in city environments.


Sound may be lost intermittently after changing locations.


Find Agent Baker: Agent Baker does not spawn, so mission cannot be completed.

Some ‘Discovery’ missions may not trigger correctly.

The Army Base sewer Treasure Room has no Treasure Chest.

Some of the Missile Silo Treasure Rooms have no enemies.

Some versions of the Cliffwalker Shrine Treasure Rooms have no enemies.

UI and In-Game Store

Red Mission Arrows do not trigger until getting extremely close to the appropriate mission objective.

When buying Gs, the United States state selection list cannot be scrolled past ‘Tennessee’ without using the keyboard.


Avenger’s Mansion:

o Green Daily – Castle Doom – Mini Map appears to be unpopulated and shows nothing.
o Red Daily – Abandoned Subway – Shocker’s AI intermittently stops working. He won’t attack, but he’ll turn to face you.

Xavier’s School/SHIELD Helicarrier:

o Green Daily – Castle Doom – Doctor Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.
o Green Daily – Castle Doom – Doctor Doom’s number of affixes change depending on his form rather than staying constant as intended.

Limbo: If Sabretooth spawns as the end boss in Limbo, he sometimes stops moving and attacking half way through the battle.

Limbo: Players may sometimes be placed upon entry you in an instance that’s almost completed, toward the end of the waves or at the boss.


Phoenix Feather: There is no UI indication on cooldown timer.

Vita-Ray Projector: There is no dodge chance bonus given on critical hit.

Darkhold Scroll: Does not give bonus damage versus taunted enemy.

Latverian Regalia: Pets do not do extra damage when artifact is equipped, as intended.

Green Goblin Medal: Green Goblin Medal poison cloud is invisible.


Some emotes are not working for Cable and Deadpool.

Flight powers can get locked when flying over food trucks.

Black Widow

Acrobatic Assault:
This power can miss if the enemy is running towards you.

Black Panther

Some gear icons are black silhouettes – gear can still be equipped.

Captain America

Aggressive Shout
: The power has both a 10 second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) buff. Only one of them is shown.

Invigorating Shout
: The power has a 10-second buff and an ongoing (lasts until turned off) effect, but it does not show either of them. Health regeneration does not show up on character sheet.


Searing Shot
: Visual Effects when hitting enemy are not seen.


Lingering Boon:
Tooltip is incorrect. Each rank actually extends aura duration by 2 seconds.

Rocket Raccoon

Forceful Shot: Power unlocks at level 12 and should unlock at level 10.

Tactical Destruction
: Tooltip does not correctly display bonus damage from shield cost.


Evasive Websling:
If there is no enemy targeted, power will land in incorrect location.


Regeneration Boost: Tooltip is incorrect. Power does not spend Fury to gain health faster as described.

Smell Weakness: Damage vulnerability is causing the enemy to take less damage rather than more.

Character sheet does not reflect health regeneration from Healing Factor (but displays resistances from passive powers).

Marvel Heroes: Server Downtime (June 13)

Apparently they aren’t patching tonight, but Ryolnir posted they’re bringing the game and forums down for two hours.

Original Forum Post


6/13 Game and Website Downtime

We will have downtime tonight for maintenance!

We will be bringing the game/website down at 12:00AM PDT / 3:00AM EDT/ 8:00AM BST/ 9:00AM CEST. The downtime is not expected to last longer than two hours.

Update:We will not have a game build tonight, but the game and website must come down for maintenance. This means you will not be able to access the game, forums, and temporarily will not be able to log in to the game. We apologize for the change.

Marvel Heroes: Meet the Voice Actors Parts 1 & 2

Here’s a great combo of featurettes about the voices behind Marvel Heroes.


Meet The Voices – Part 1

Take a look at just some of the voice actors giving life to the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the free to play massive online action RPG, Marvel Heroes – with some familiar faces included!


Meet The Voices – Part 2

Take a look at just some of the voice actors giving life to the heroes of the Marvel Universe in the free to play massive online action RPG, Marvel Heroes – featuring the voice talents of Stan Lee, Nolan North, Steve Blum, Jim Connor, Tara Strong, Kate Higgins, Dave Boat and Chris Cox!